Eden Cotter-Longworth
Stage Manager
Eden Cotter-Longworth graduated from the Victorian College of Arts (VCA) in 2020 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Design and Production) specialising in stage management. Her academic credits at the VCA include Our House (Production Stage Manager), Origami (Production Stage Manager), Mirror Mirror (Stage Manager), and Into the Woods (Assistant Stage Manager). Her other management credits include Footloose and Chicago for Ormond Theatre, Moby Dick for Two Productions and Lysistrata and The Crucible for The Court Theatre. Eden is currently employed as the Executive Assistant at Melbourne Fringe to Creative Director & CEO Simon Abrahams and is looking forward to continuing to grow and expand her arts administration skills within this role.
Web / edenjoy.link
Email / edencotterlongworth@gmail.com

Stage Manager Mirror Mirror - Production photography

Assistant Stage Manager Into the Woods - Production photography

Production Stage Manager Origami - Behind the scenes

Production Stage Manager Origami - Behind the scenes

Production Stage Manager Our House - Production photography

Wardrobe Crew Peter Pan - Production photography