Rohanna Hadlow
Costume Maker
Rohanna Hadlow is a Melbourne based costume maker who has completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Design and Production) at the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA). Having had a keen interest in sewing from a young age, Rohanna has spent the last few years honing her skills in making for performance and producing high quality work. Rohanna has worked with The Rabble on Unwoman (2019), and as both Senior Costumier and Costume Manager on many VCA productions. She has created costumes for drag performers and has recently completed a tailoring internship on Hamilton with Melbourne Costume Tailors.
Web / instagram.com/brainsforbrekky/
Email / rohannahadlow@gmail.com

Costume Manager Sight Unseen

Senior Costumier Our House - Wedding Dress

Costume Manager Return to Normal

Costume Manager Surge

Costume Construction Body - Blobs

At work in the Costume Room

Costume Manager Mad Forest - Act III costumes

Costume Construction Disclosure

Costume Construction The Crucible