Headshot of Alfonso Coronel

Alfonso Coronel

Production Designer for Film

Alfonso is an emerging production designer based in Australia. He has a Master's Degree in Production Design for Screen from the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) and a Bachelor of Creative Arts (Screen) Degree from Flinders University. Alfonso blended his passion for story telling with his love for visual art. His shift into design enabled him to refine his creative process, initiating a more in depth approach to story telling. He loves character driven films and films that put a lens on interpersonal relationships and the human condition. During his time at VCA; He was a set design intern for the upcoming Netflix show Click Bait, and an art department intern on the upcoming ABC Series, The Newsreader. Alfonso also works in Fashion; he was previously a Creative Producer for Manila based fashion brand, 'Carl Jan Cruz'‚ for two collections in Paris during Paris Fashion Week in 2017 and 2018.

Production Design Fisch - Kitchen

Production Design Fisch - Kitchen & lounge

Production Design Fisch - Lounge to bathroom

Production Design Fisch - Bathroom

Production Design Fisch - Scientific equipment & probe

Art Direction All We Have is Time - Spaceship tunnel walkthrough

Art Direction All We Have is Time - Central console

Art Direction All We Have is Time - Control room

Art Direction All We Have is Time - Prom scene outtake