Oliver Pool
Technical Lighting
Oliver Pool specialises in technical lighting and strives to combine cutting edge lighting technology with technical methodologies to create exceptional lighting solutions for artists and performers. Oliver has worked on a range of shows while attending the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) with show design credits including Wunderschön Stark choreographed by Michelle Heaven, and MTAFU choreographed by Prue Lang. His technical credits include Head Electrician and Programmer roles on various shows at the VCA. Oliver continues his passion for performance lighting outside of the VCA, pursuing work opportunities with multiple Australian production companies and has a key interest in specialising in live music events.
Web / oliverpool.myportfolio.com/
Email / olipool00@gmail.com

Lighting Design Wunderschön Stark

Lighting Design MTAFU

Moth - Lighting Plan

Head Electrician DanceON - Instrument Schedule

Vectorworks Render 'Mobile Stage'

Head Electrician Mad Forest - Dimmer Sheet

Head Electrician Mad Forest - Interactive map

Linear Park Sounds - Lighting Plan

Head Electrician Our House - Weight loading

Head Electrician BODY - Loom Sheet